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Fig. 4 | AMB Express

Fig. 4

From: The effect of manipulating glucuronic acid biosynthetic pathway in Bacillus subtilis strain on hyaluronic acid production

Fig. 4

Agarose gel electrophoresis of purified HAs from RBSHA2 and RBSHA3 strains using Stains-all® method. [M: HA ladder; Lane 1: the purified HA produced by RBSHA3, lane 2: the purified HA produced by RBSHA2; lane 3: purified HA produced by RBSHA2 and lane 4: purified HA produced by RBSHA3]. As seen in lanes 1, 2, 3, and 4, all purified HAs from RBSHA2 and RBSHA3 strains show the same Mw of HA that is less than 30 kDa

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