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Table 3 Quantitative PCR analysis of Geobacteraceae bacteria on the anodic electrode in MFCs at pH 7.0, pH 5.5, or pH 4.0

From: Comparative metabolic state of microflora on the surface of the anode electrode in a microbial fuel cell operated at different pH conditions


Geobacteraceae bacteria (ng cm−2)a

Ratio of Geobacteraceae (%)

pH 7.0

965 ± 7.50

26.7 ± 2.72

pH 5.5

34.6 ± 11.1

1.57 ± 0.51

pH 4.0

0.12 ± 0.02

0.10 ± 0.02

  1. aThe amount of DNA mass (ng) per anode graphite felt sample (cm−2)