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Table 2 Morphological and biochemical characteristics of isolate AMIC1

From: Assessment of heavy metal tolerance and biosorptive potential of Klebsiella variicola isolated from industrial effluents

Test name

Test results

Morphological tests

 Cell morphology


 Gram’s reaction






Colony characteristics on selective and differential media

 Nutrient agar

White to cream colour colonies

 MacConkey’s agar

Pink color colonies

 Eosin methylene blue agar

Large mucoid colonies, no metallic sheen

 Salmonella Shigella agar

Slight growth, light pink color colonies

 TSI agar slant

Yellow colour on butt and slant

Biochemical tests









 Citrate utilization


 H2S production

Carbohydrate fermentation tests














  1. Plus Positive, Minus Negative